Customer Background
The OSI Group is an international food group with more than 50 food production plants in more than 17 countries around the world. The company was founded in 1909 and is headquartered in Chicago, USA.
The OSI Group sells whole-lived, partially-cooked, fully-cooked chicken, beef, and pork products, and a variety of non-meat products including pizza, baked goods, eggs and vegetable products to more than 85 countries and territories.
OSI Group's customers include global fast food and takeaway chain suppliers, branded food marketers, and food retailers.
Fully cold storage wireless network deployment with the latest wireless network security encryption
With the low-temperature mobile terminal configuration of the WMS system, the latest inbound and outbound task list can be obtained through the wireless network anytime and anywhere, and the inbound and outbound confirmation and the inbound and outbound result data can be updated to the server in real time.
Secure your wireless network in the safest environment anytime, anywhere
Relying on the automatic barcode identification technology, the operator will not have to carry paper documents during the delivery process, and the speed and accuracy of the goods confirmation will be improved during delivery.
Improve the competitiveness and productivity of the entire enterprise, ultimately reducing IT and management costs
Shanghai Beijing Guangzhou
Shenzhen Xiamen Chengdu
Hong Kong Taiwan Korea Thailand
Singapore Malaysia Philippines